
(Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
The Coop Com 2023 were awarded on Wednesday June 7 during a Ceremony held at the Loft des Ecluses in Paris. An initiative of La Coopération Agricole and CB News to highlight the most Creative, Innovative and Relevant Initiatives carried out by Agricultural and Agri-Food Cooperatives in the Face of the Many Challenges they face.
The Coop Com 2023 were awarded on Wednesday June 7 during a Ceremony held at the Loft des Ecluses in Paris. An initiative of La Coopération Agricole and CB News to highlight the most Creative, Innovative and Relevant Initiatives carried out by Agricultural and Agri-Food Cooperatives in the Face of the Many Challenges they face.
It is by a Jury composed of 8 Communication and Media Professionals that the Finalists were selected from more than Sixty Files submitted by about Forty Candidate Cooperatives!
* Denis Beauchamp
President @ France Agri Twittos
* Mélodie Deneuve
Communication Manager @ La Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française
(The National Federation of French Mutuals)
* Denis Beauchamp
President @ France Agri Twittos
* Mélodie Deneuve
Communication Manager @ La Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française
(The National Federation of French Mutuals)
* Sébastien Evain
Président @ SYRPA
* Philippe Goetzmann
Retail Expert @ Food Founder @ Consulting Firm Philippe Goetzmann & President @ Faire Mieux! (Do Better!)
* Nicole Ouvrard
Editorial Director @ Réussir Agora
Président @ SYRPA
* Philippe Goetzmann
Retail Expert @ Food Founder @ Consulting Firm Philippe Goetzmann & President @ Faire Mieux! (Do Better!)
* Nicole Ouvrard
Editorial Director @ Réussir Agora
* Claire Maurice
Business Intelligence and Performance Director @ SPOEXA
* Béatrice Vignon
Communication Director @ FNBP
(National Federation of Popular Banks)
* Sylvain Machard
Deputy General Manager @ Publicis Activ
Business Intelligence and Performance Director @ SPOEXA
* Béatrice Vignon
Communication Director @ FNBP
(National Federation of Popular Banks)
* Sylvain Machard
Deputy General Manager @ Publicis Activ
This prize rewards the best event communication initiative, internal or external.
- Nominated:
* The SCAEL Cooperative Group for "Jazz in Lavandin" A "Cocktail-Concert" in the Field.
* Estabel for PIOCH FARRUS The Estabel Cooperative Cellar has therefore taken the Initiative to release a Special Cuvée produced exclusively by Plots located above the Old Copper Mines of Cabrières, the Oldest in Europe.
- Winner:
* PLAIMONT for the Saint Mont Ampelographic Meetings The 3rd such Meetings were held in June 2022 in the New Experimental Cellar: "l'Atelier Des Cépages".
This prize rewards the best event communication initiative, internal or external.
- Nominated:
* The SCAEL Cooperative Group for "Jazz in Lavandin" A "Cocktail-Concert" in the Field.
* Estabel for PIOCH FARRUS The Estabel Cooperative Cellar has therefore taken the Initiative to release a Special Cuvée produced exclusively by Plots located above the Old Copper Mines of Cabrières, the Oldest in Europe.
- Winner:
* PLAIMONT for the Saint Mont Ampelographic Meetings The 3rd such Meetings were held in June 2022 in the New Experimental Cellar: "l'Atelier Des Cépages".
This Prize rewards any Communication Strategy/Action targeting Farmers who are Members of Cooperatives and aimed at strengthening the Feeling of Belonging, Energizing Democratic Life, Building Loyalty or Recruiting New Members.
- Nominated:
* CAVEB for the Comic Strip "Great and Small Stories of the Cooperative" CAVEB which, on the Occasion of its 50th Anniversary, undertook to produce a Comic Strip reminding its Members of the Cooperative Values ??which unite them and their Common History.
* Arterris for AGRIVOX Arterris has Completely Redesigned the Model of its Section Assemblies, which struggled to Attract and Federate its Members.
- Winner:
* NATUP for Indoor NatUp used to bring its Members Together Alternately during a Field Event and a Conference-Type Event detailing a Single Theme. Forced by the Covid to rethink this Last Way of Doing Things, the Cooperative has embarked on the Production of a Web Series, the First 2 Episodes of which have already been Broadcast, Live and In Replay.
This Prize rewards any Communication Strategy/Action targeting Farmers who are Members of Cooperatives and aimed at strengthening the Feeling of Belonging, Energizing Democratic Life, Building Loyalty or Recruiting New Members.
- Nominated:
* CAVEB for the Comic Strip "Great and Small Stories of the Cooperative" CAVEB which, on the Occasion of its 50th Anniversary, undertook to produce a Comic Strip reminding its Members of the Cooperative Values ??which unite them and their Common History.
* Arterris for AGRIVOX Arterris has Completely Redesigned the Model of its Section Assemblies, which struggled to Attract and Federate its Members.
- Winner:
* NATUP for Indoor NatUp used to bring its Members Together Alternately during a Field Event and a Conference-Type Event detailing a Single Theme. Forced by the Covid to rethink this Last Way of Doing Things, the Cooperative has embarked on the Production of a Web Series, the First 2 Episodes of which have already been Broadcast, Live and In Replay.
Rewards Initiatives aimed at Claiming and Promoting Membership of the Cooperative Model in Product Communication: Global Communication Campaign or a Device Only (Radio/TV/Print/Digital Advertising, Social Network Campaign, Press Relations, etc.)
- Nominated:
* SAVEOL for "Completely West" No. 1 in France for Pesticide-Free Tomatoes and Savior of the Mythical Strawberry of Plougastel, Savéol Claims to be "Completely In The West" since the Origin of the Cooperative.
* Altitude for Florus Solatium The AOC Florus Solatium ham was born from an Unprecedented Partnership between the Cooperative Altitude, the Diocese of Saint-Flour and the Association of Friends of the Cathedral of Saint Flour.
- Winner:
* The Lugny Cellar for "One Man, One Wine". This is the Pun Echoing the Founding Rule of Cooperation "One Man, One Vote". The Cellar wanted to give the Opportunity to the Winegrowers to benefit from its Structure and its Skills so that they can make their Own Wine, from the Vine to the Packaging, including the Choice of the Name of the Cuvée.
Rewards Initiatives aimed at Claiming and Promoting Membership of the Cooperative Model in Product Communication: Global Communication Campaign or a Device Only (Radio/TV/Print/Digital Advertising, Social Network Campaign, Press Relations, etc.)
- Nominated:
* SAVEOL for "Completely West" No. 1 in France for Pesticide-Free Tomatoes and Savior of the Mythical Strawberry of Plougastel, Savéol Claims to be "Completely In The West" since the Origin of the Cooperative.
* Altitude for Florus Solatium The AOC Florus Solatium ham was born from an Unprecedented Partnership between the Cooperative Altitude, the Diocese of Saint-Flour and the Association of Friends of the Cathedral of Saint Flour.
- Winner:
* The Lugny Cellar for "One Man, One Wine". This is the Pun Echoing the Founding Rule of Cooperation "One Man, One Vote". The Cellar wanted to give the Opportunity to the Winegrowers to benefit from its Structure and its Skills so that they can make their Own Wine, from the Vine to the Packaging, including the Choice of the Name of the Cuvée.
Rewards any Communication Strategy/Action/Tool ??put in Place to promote the Cooperative, the Union of Cooperatives or the Subsidiary to an External Audience.
- Nominated:
* La Cave Coopérative de Monbazillac for the Scenography "A noble Wine In 1960, the Winegrowers of the Cave Coopérative de Monbazillac voted Unanimously to buy the Château. This Date marks the Beginning of a Unique Story.
* The Game of Flavors from the Island of Noirmoutier Built on the Basis of the Famous "Goose Game", the Noirmoutier Flavors Game consists of Four Boards: One for Each Region/Cooperative present on the Island and a Set of 25 "Knowledge" Cards Specific to Each Plateau.
- Winner:
* The First Communication Campaign of the National Federation of CUMA In a Context of Progressive Reduction of Farmers and an Increasingly Inverted Age Pyramid, the Future of Cuma "Cooperative for the Use of Agricultural Equipment" depends on their Appeal to Young People.
Rewards any Communication Strategy/Action/Tool ??put in Place to promote the Cooperative, the Union of Cooperatives or the Subsidiary to an External Audience.
- Nominated:
* La Cave Coopérative de Monbazillac for the Scenography "A noble Wine In 1960, the Winegrowers of the Cave Coopérative de Monbazillac voted Unanimously to buy the Château. This Date marks the Beginning of a Unique Story.
* The Game of Flavors from the Island of Noirmoutier Built on the Basis of the Famous "Goose Game", the Noirmoutier Flavors Game consists of Four Boards: One for Each Region/Cooperative present on the Island and a Set of 25 "Knowledge" Cards Specific to Each Plateau.
- Winner:
* The First Communication Campaign of the National Federation of CUMA In a Context of Progressive Reduction of Farmers and an Increasingly Inverted Age Pyramid, the Future of Cuma "Cooperative for the Use of Agricultural Equipment" depends on their Appeal to Young People.
This Prize rewards any Communication Strategy/Action aimed at Strengthening the Attractiveness of the Cooperative's Professions to Students, Young Graduates, its Current and Future Employees and more generally to the Employment Ecosystem.
- Nominated:
* Discover, Axereal's Student Community On the occasion of the Start of the 2022 Academic Year, Axéréal officially launched its Student Community, called Discover with the Aim of encouraging the Involvement of the Young Generation in the Transformation of the Agricultural and Food Model initiated by the Group.
* EUREDEN for its Recruitment Campaigns for Seasonal and Work-Study Workers In the First Case, previous years have highlighted Real Recruitment Difficulties. A Campaign designed with the Help of the Group's Employees was deployed in the Press, on the Radio on Spotify and on Social Networks, in particular on TikTok.
- Winner:
*YEO Charges for "Recruitment Fridays". Faced with the Shortage of Candidates, Yéo Frais had to make Drastic Decisions and go so far as to Cut Production Lines. Faced with these Difficulties in Recruiting, the Cooperative has chosen to Launch a Punchy Recruitment Fridays".
This Prize rewards any Communication Strategy/Action aimed at Strengthening the Attractiveness of the Cooperative's Professions to Students, Young Graduates, its Current and Future Employees and more generally to the Employment Ecosystem.
- Nominated:
* Discover, Axereal's Student Community On the occasion of the Start of the 2022 Academic Year, Axéréal officially launched its Student Community, called Discover with the Aim of encouraging the Involvement of the Young Generation in the Transformation of the Agricultural and Food Model initiated by the Group.
* EUREDEN for its Recruitment Campaigns for Seasonal and Work-Study Workers In the First Case, previous years have highlighted Real Recruitment Difficulties. A Campaign designed with the Help of the Group's Employees was deployed in the Press, on the Radio on Spotify and on Social Networks, in particular on TikTok.
- Winner:
*YEO Charges for "Recruitment Fridays". Faced with the Shortage of Candidates, Yéo Frais had to make Drastic Decisions and go so far as to Cut Production Lines. Faced with these Difficulties in Recruiting, the Cooperative has chosen to Launch a Punchy Recruitment Fridays".
Winner: Les Bottées, by the Cavac Cooperative A quarter of Farm Managers are Women. In Agricultural Education, almost Half of the Pupils are Female Students. Despite this, Women remain little recognized and little involved in the Decision-Making Bodies of the Agricultural World. The Cavac Cooperative which has set itself the Goal of reaching 25% of Women within their Section and Group Committees (vs. 6% currently) has brought together a Group of Around Twenty Women from Different Backgrounds: Productions , Geographical Origins, Age called "Les bottées". Objective: to promote Feminization in Agriculture Internally and Externally, Collectively find Solutions to Feminize Decision-Making Bodies, Train to Take Up a Position within Decision-Making Bodies. A First Step that the Jury wanted to encourage as the Subject is so Crucial.
Winner: Les Bottées, by the Cavac Cooperative A quarter of Farm Managers are Women. In Agricultural Education, almost Half of the Pupils are Female Students. Despite this, Women remain little recognized and little involved in the Decision-Making Bodies of the Agricultural World. The Cavac Cooperative which has set itself the Goal of reaching 25% of Women within their Section and Group Committees (vs. 6% currently) has brought together a Group of Around Twenty Women from Different Backgrounds: Productions , Geographical Origins, Age called "Les bottées". Objective: to promote Feminization in Agriculture Internally and Externally, Collectively find Solutions to Feminize Decision-Making Bodies, Train to Take Up a Position within Decision-Making Bodies. A First Step that the Jury wanted to encourage as the Subject is so Crucial.
This prize, in Partnership with Digital Campus, rewards the Best Student Project from a Communication School.
* Winner:
Digital Campus of Rennes
The Groups of Students who applied for this Prize had the Objective of "Imagining, Building and Presenting a Communication Campaign aimed at Younger Generations (Students, Young Employees, Young Citizens) in order to encourage them to join an Agricultural and Agri-Food Cooperative. ".
This prize, in Partnership with Digital Campus, rewards the Best Student Project from a Communication School.
* Winner:
Digital Campus of Rennes
The Groups of Students who applied for this Prize had the Objective of "Imagining, Building and Presenting a Communication Campaign aimed at Younger Generations (Students, Young Employees, Young Citizens) in order to encourage them to join an Agricultural and Agri-Food Cooperative. ".
This Prize rewards an Initiative that marked the Jury of the Coop Com 2023 Awards.
Not falling into a Specific Category, was decided to Promote Successful Communication.
* Winner:
Sodiaal with the "Dans Ma Coop" Communication Campaign.
The Objective of "Dans Ma Coop" was to provide Visitors to the 2023 International Agricultural Show with an Immersive Experience, on the Sodiaal Stand, to make them understand why it is Essential to Choose and Consume Dairy Products. From As Close As Possible to Breeders, Elected Officials and Employees, Visitors to the SIA were at the Heart of an Educational, Relational, Experiential System, and even of Commitment Alongside the Cooperative.
This Prize rewards an Initiative that marked the Jury of the Coop Com 2023 Awards.
Not falling into a Specific Category, was decided to Promote Successful Communication.
* Winner:
Sodiaal with the "Dans Ma Coop" Communication Campaign.
The Objective of "Dans Ma Coop" was to provide Visitors to the 2023 International Agricultural Show with an Immersive Experience, on the Sodiaal Stand, to make them understand why it is Essential to Choose and Consume Dairy Products. From As Close As Possible to Breeders, Elected Officials and Employees, Visitors to the SIA were at the Heart of an Educational, Relational, Experiential System, and even of Commitment Alongside the Cooperative.
Source: The Coop Com 2023 Awards
On Wednesday June 7, during a Ceremony held at the Loft des Ecluses in Paris.
An initiative of La Coopération Agricole and CB News
Yasmina BEDDOU
On Wednesday June 7, during a Ceremony held at the Loft des Ecluses in Paris.
An initiative of La Coopération Agricole and CB News
Yasmina BEDDOU
Ruby Bird Yasmina Beddou Participants Loft Des Ecluses Researchers Ambition Knowledge Results La Cooperative Agricole 2023 Awards Cb News Paris Ceremony June 7 Communication Media Nominated Winner Challenges Creative Innovative Relevant Winegrowers
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